Finance Resolutions As Submitted

Loss of Salary When Attending Union Activities
Carole Bouchard, Local 60040, Alice Clark, Local 80150, Daniel Toutant, National Vice-President for Human Rights, Kate Hart, Assistant National Vice-President for Human Rights, Brian Morrissey, Assistant Regional Vice-President - Atlantic, Angela Decker, Regional Vice-President - Atlantic,
Submitted in English
The Union of National Employees will pay members who are restricted in availability for work in attending union activities on behalf of their local would be given an allowance equal to the average of an UNE member at 28.50/hr for 7.5 hours on each day of participation; and
The Public Service Alliance of Canada will pay members who are restricted in availability for work in attending union activities on behalf of their local would be given an allowance equal to the average of an UNE member at 28.50/hr for 7.5 hours on each day of participation.

Because some members do not have a fixed work schedule. They have to be available for work, thereby they are losing work on the day they are unavailable; and
Because workers who are not available for work, have their work transferred to another co-worker while they are away, thereby they are losing hours.
To Change the April 1st Date to May 1st to Submit Financial Statements Stemming from Annual General Meeting
Josée Tremblay, Local 29266, Denis St-Onge, Local 20088, Christine Pansino, Local 20273, Celine Ahodekon, Local 20278, Ann Birnie, Local 20278, Shirley Torres, Regional Vice-President - British Columbia and Yukon
Submitted in English
The Union of National Employees will change the date to submit financial statements from April 1st to May 1st.

Because Parks Canada has many seasonal employees. Moving the date would allow to hold Annual General Meeting where there are more members. This would increase participation while maintaining financial and convention requirements;
Because it would not only increase membership participation, it would allow for better representation for their voice to be heard and have a say at this decisive time (Annual General Meeting i.e. budget); and
Because more members would be able to run for a position on the executive. It would be easier to get quorum. To reach more members at Annual General Meeting.
PSAC and any Canadian Labour Congress Sanctioned Education Events
Murielle Bouchard, Local 50353, Brian Morrissey, Local 50231, Donna Tessier, Local 40340, Pervaiz Iqbal, Local 40040, Andrew Schewe, Local 50262, Dawn Montgrant, Local 40195,
Submitted in English
The Union of National Employees will pay an amount of $50 for each Saturday and/or Sunday and/or outside of working hours a member of UNE is in attendance at a PSAC and any Canadian Labour Congress sanctioned Education Event, provided the Education Event was completed, regardless of what PSAC and Canadian Labour Congress pays. This is irrespective of loss of salary.

Because to encourage participation from the membership at PSAC and any Canadian Labour Congress sanctioned Education Events; and
Because events held outside of working hours can be a barrier for attendance and this resolution, if passed, could be an incentive for members to attend union education.